Installing automation script is pretty easy since everything is embedded into the Google Spreadsheet.

Accessing the automation Script

First, you need to go to Tools > Script Editor. A new window will open.

You'll see the two function that needs to be used for your app to work fully autonomously. The first one, clearChecking, will clean all the checking that needs to be removed.

<aside> 💡 French Privacy Policy Agency (CNIL) recommends 21 days of data retention for such information. But you can use less if you want. In Luxembourg, 14 days will be more than enough.


The Second function, insertDeletionFormula is used to put the deletion formula in each checking. That's why you see TRUE or FALSE in the To Be Deleted column in your sheet.

Changing the retention time

To do so, change the number 21 at line 67 of the file (end of the insertDeletionFormula) by the number of day you want to keep the data.

Installing the triggers

On the right menu, you can see "trigger" menu ("déclencheurs" in French o the screenshot).

Click on it and you will see and empty list (mine have two items because I have already set them up).

Click on the big "Add trigger" blue button at the bottom right corner of your screen to add a trigger. We'll need to add two :

First trigger

Second Trigger

<aside> ⚠️ You'll be probably prompt to give access to your spreadsheet to setup the trigger. That's totally normal. Doing so, you let this script access the spreadsheet data. Nothing more.


That's it!

You're all set for your automation 🎉

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